Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Welcome to MYNAPLEX

I am going to take this test soon. Then I think why don't I just create a blog so that everyone can share the info. I am a Thai pharmacist who currently lives in Chicago. My goal of building this blog is to share my knowledge about all pharmacy stuffs.

This would benefit to not only blog readers but also myself as I can review each part of pharmacy knowledges. Please feel free to add yours or even correct me if I have some incorrect or not up-to-date information.

I encourage everyone to share anything you know so it will benefit others.

Let's create the professional environment together!

1 comment:

Betterist said...

I'm sure you don't write this blog, but just in case someone else finds this blog, I have started a project to create flashcards via Google docs. I am looking for collaborators. I made a Facebook group. I'm @BigQid on Twitter.
This blog was a good idea. Neither this blog, nor my project will be enough to help a recent grad since they want to be ready soon, but they are both something to build on for students still in pharmacy school. Recent grads who aren't in a rush, might want to give it a look though.